New album on Jumpsuit Records

Click on image for Ride It album
Afro-Hip Hop
Combining elements of Funk, Hip Hop, African, Rock, Electronica played on traditional instruments.
Featuring Members of Hamsa Lila and Dirtwire.
Members have performed with Bassnectar, Beats Antique, Rising Appalachia and have opened up for Tinariwen and Bombino
UPCOMING SHOWS: click below
Self Titled and African Eagle Albums:
Ride it Album:

Pronounced "Doe-Gone, The Dogon Lights "Afro- Hip Hop" from the Bay Area. The Dogon Lights combine the traditional skin and wood -kamale-ngoni- blended with hip hop beats, rapping, electronica, African djembe and psychedelic groove.
The Dogon Lights combine a blend of styles that is fresh and instantly recognizable. A blend of languages ( English, French, Wolof, Bambara etc) the Kamale Ngoni, (similar to the Kora) from Mali and Burkina Faso, Calabash and Djembe of West Africa, with Electric Bass, Guitar, Synthesizer and Drums. The word, "Dogon" comes from the Dogon people of Mali who believe they are from "the dog star" or Sirius. The Dogon tribe elders have officially given their blessing to the Dogon Lights.
The Dogon Lights have opened up for grammy winning artists Tinariwen from Mali as well as Bombino from Niger. Members have Performed with Bassnectar, Beats Antique, Rising Appalachia, The Mickey Hart Band, Hamsa Lila, Dirtwire and many others.
The Dogon Lights are in direct connection with the Dogon tribe of Mali, and have been blessed by elder Hogons (village leader) to use the name. 10% of all proceeds to to the Dogon people.
The band features members of the award winning band Hamsa Lila (Vir McCoy, Evan Fraser,) and the same Evan Fraser of Dirtwire (with David Sartori of Beats Antique). with Renowned West African djembe player Bongo Sidibe of San Francisco, raps in his native language. Ashel Seazuns, rapper from Oakland, also performs with Bassnectar. Garry Norris, a hip=hop church drummer, holds down the bottom.
Vir McCoy ( Hamsa Lila, Mickey Hart,) plays the camel skinned Sintir and Djeli-ngoni (Malian Lute) as well as Electric Bass and Guitar.
Evan Fraser (Hamsa Lila, Dirtwire, Stellamara) plays Kamale Ngoni, Kalimba, Illimba, Berimbau, Calabash, Zabumba, Ney, Jaw Harp, Slide Guitar, Synthesizer and just about everything else you could imagine.
Bongo Sidibe is a native of Guinea, and a master Djembe drummer. A well known San Francisco teacher and performer Bongo adds his rhythmic fire to the mix. Bongo adds his vocals for traditional and original songs.
Gary Norris is a bay area native and ads his funky Hip Hop drumming to the mix.
Ashel Seazuns Mc, rapper and vocalist, Ashel has toured with Bassnectar and created amazing music with Earth Amplified.
Honorary founder Yacouba Diarra of Burkina Faso- Ngoni player extraordinaire.
MANAGEMENT Vir McCoy [email protected]
415 370-5146
RECORD LABEL : Jumpsuit Records
Ryan Herr <[email protected]>